Vitamin D has a very important role for health. Not only helped shape the bones and teeth, vitamin D also helps prevent many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and memory loss.
Do you know the sources of vitamin D? Here are some of them:
1. Sunlight
Actually there is no vitamin D in sunlight, but sunlight contains ultraviolet B (UVB) that can help transform provitamin D in the body into vitamin D. The recommended time to bask in the sun is in the morning.
2. Milk
Milk is one source of vitamin D. Most dairy products have been enriched by vitamin D. By consuming milk, you not only get the benefits of calcium, but you will also get the benefits of vitamin D that is contained therein.
3. Fish oil
Besides rich in omega-3, fish oil also contains vitamin D which can nourish the body.
4. Salmon
Salmon including the type of fish rich in omega-3. In addition, salmon also contain vitamin D.
5. Eggs
Eggs have a content of about 21 IU of vitamin D contained in egg yolk and purified protein in egg white. Eggs are a nutritious food that must be consumed.
6. Tuna
Just as salmon, tuna is also a marine fish species which are also rich in vitamin D and omega-3.
7. Shrimp
Shrimp is a source of omega-3 with a high protein content but low in fat and calories. There are 129 IU of vitamin D in 85 grams of shrimp.
8. Cereals
Most products are ready to eat cereals on the market are fortified with vitamin D. Combine your cereal with milk that has a high content of vitamin D as part of a healthy menu every day.
Apart from a few sources of vitamin D that have been mentioned above, we can also get vitamin D from strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, broccoli and other green vegetables.
Source: Health Review
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