Cure Cancer With Soursop - What do you know about the soursop? What just because this fruit is green , have thorns, or the sweet taste? It turned out that besides these things, this fruit has a very important properties that can be useful for the health of our bodies.
One of the properties owned soursop and has been medically proven as a very powerful anti-cancer. According to research by experts, soursop fruit is a drug nature's most potent cancer for cancer patients, even ten thousand times more potent than chemotherapy. The fruit is commonly called Graviola will only kill the bad cells and would not kill other cells that useful for the body.
In addition, this fruit can also function to reduce high blood pressure, normalize the nervous system that are less good, reduce depression and stress, fight against different types of parasites / worms, and also functions as an anti-bacterial and anti fungal.
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